Where the heck does all the inspiration come from...
It seems like I am either totally dry or overflowing with creativity.
It kind've sucks. Maybe I have not found my muse. but I do not think that is it. I have begun to realize that I already have a muse maybe a couple. But the one big thing that inspires me is mountain biking.
Actually just biking period. I have been contemplating this as I sit at panera bread and look at other peoples blogs, but that is almost beside the point because I was able to bike here from our new house. It was so refreshing. I have not really made a point of biking anywhere since the first 6 months I lived in Colorado before I got motorized transportation.
I LOVE IT!!!!!
Why the heck did I stop doing it. In college I would be biking all the time. I did have more free time, but my life is so much more enjoyable when I am biking.
It really calms my soul to bike, I have sometimes pondered if the only time I am truly worshiping the Lord is when I am biking. A peace comes over me whenever I go. It does not matter if it is hard or easy or what. God has put biking in my life to let me connect with people I would not normally meet.
I love riding my Buell to but I am not passionate about it like I am biking. It is a tremendously enjoyable form of transportation but It does not fulfill the need to meditate that biking does.
Poetry is not in the title to actually signify any poetry in these words but more because one of my friends, katie inspired me to write this when I read a poem on her blog about the way a vw camper van brought her parents to almost a place of peace with each other.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
Ideas curse the vibrant ideas in my mind.....
In the midst of this one thing i am confronting in my life is that I tend to have lots of over the top ideas, maybe not over the top ideas but more ideas that I really have no chance of accomplishing and that I take to far in my mind. I tend to lay in bed at night just working through ideas detail by detail, which is fine when it is just a cool idea about a car or some landscaping but when it is me falling for a girl or thinking about how my life will go in the future sometimes I just think about it to much and think I could do this or this and maybe this will work out just the way I think it will. Sometimes this leads to disapiontment even with car stuff because I defintely get in over my head sometimes and just ahave idea after idea. I guess part of that can be seen in post in my blog from last July and August when we were playing around with the 2 jeeps.
Somehow I need to pull myself back and look at stuff from what I know is reality that probably would have nipped the jeep idea pretty quickly if I had someone say what are you thinking. Even though I pretty sure a couple people did, and I just tuned them out because I also had people encouraging me. One of my friends a couple nights ago basically just told me to take a step back when I get any wild hairbrained ideas, which is just what I needed. The idea I was talking about this time was not wild and crazy at its base but I tend to get too excited about stuff. In fact the basic idea is great. Thanks friend for wacking me on the head and bringing me back down before I really get started. I needed it. Curse this vivid imagination of mine.
Somehow I need to pull myself back and look at stuff from what I know is reality that probably would have nipped the jeep idea pretty quickly if I had someone say what are you thinking. Even though I pretty sure a couple people did, and I just tuned them out because I also had people encouraging me. One of my friends a couple nights ago basically just told me to take a step back when I get any wild hairbrained ideas, which is just what I needed. The idea I was talking about this time was not wild and crazy at its base but I tend to get too excited about stuff. In fact the basic idea is great. Thanks friend for wacking me on the head and bringing me back down before I really get started. I needed it. Curse this vivid imagination of mine.
A car and a house
The past couple days have been somewhat frustrating... Alot of it has to do with the car. I finally got the oil filter adapter installed and the engine is sitting in the engine bay ready to attach to the transmission. I spent all last night working on getting the transmission and the engine lined up which you have to do before you can bolt the engine in to the car. Unfortunately I was not able to get it attached last night.
Today was not as bad though. I got to work with a group of home school students who were volunteering at the Glen. They were great!! I took about half the group up to trim back trails and it turned out to be really fun once they got going. It is pretty cool way to introduce people to volunteering at the Glen because you get to go hiking and it is work I need to get done anyway.
I am moving away from the Glen!!!! That is probably some of the happiest news that I have been able to write on this website in a long time. It is definite now we signed the lease today!!! It is not exactly the house but I feel good about it. I always get worried when money is real tight which sucks, but I think even though money will be real tight a for few months till we find a fourth person it will all work out okay. The house is nice but not really a looker. It is one of those houses that does not really have any style. But it has lots and lots of amenties. a really nice washer and dryer, a hot tub, a pool table. All these are good but I am still looking about a peace for the house.
Oh yeah and a great group of guys to live with. Jev, I'm actually moving out, but Derek never got the wireless installed before I left :-) You were right. I'm definitely way to optmistic sometimes....
Today was not as bad though. I got to work with a group of home school students who were volunteering at the Glen. They were great!! I took about half the group up to trim back trails and it turned out to be really fun once they got going. It is pretty cool way to introduce people to volunteering at the Glen because you get to go hiking and it is work I need to get done anyway.
I am moving away from the Glen!!!! That is probably some of the happiest news that I have been able to write on this website in a long time. It is definite now we signed the lease today!!! It is not exactly the house but I feel good about it. I always get worried when money is real tight which sucks, but I think even though money will be real tight a for few months till we find a fourth person it will all work out okay. The house is nice but not really a looker. It is one of those houses that does not really have any style. But it has lots and lots of amenties. a really nice washer and dryer, a hot tub, a pool table. All these are good but I am still looking about a peace for the house.
Oh yeah and a great group of guys to live with. Jev, I'm actually moving out, but Derek never got the wireless installed before I left :-) You were right. I'm definitely way to optmistic sometimes....
Friday, October 06, 2006
Things I own keep having catastrophic failures :-<
I do not know how this keeps happening but I just seem to break stuff alot. I guess what brought all this on is not even something I did but I am dealing with the after effects of a destructive force inside of a jeep engine. It really sucks to try to get parts of an engine with a piston sticking out. que fuzzy picture 
Actually this is a car I got from my Uncle and Aunt. It was a real blessing because I have been able to put together a decent car for under 1500 dollars. I am moving off the Glen in the next couple weeks which is a really good thing. I have been aching to do it for a while. It is kind've grinding living under the watchful I of derek strickler and being possibly held responsible for other peoples errors all the time. below is a picture of the house we will hopefully get. It is a really cool house built in 1914. I went in the house the first time and it just felt right. Even when I saw it on the net I was like this is the perfect house.

So we'll just have to wait and see if we get it. It would be really exciting to live in an older area of town. The newer areas of town are kind've dead feeling with all the cookie cutter houses (at least the ones we can afford)
I have been sitting here pondering what I was going to write about in the first place. I started thinking about the house and kind've got off track.
I think that one of the big things about places I go and places I live is the feeling of the place. The right feeling maybe cool peaceful, i am not sure what exactly that feeling is. Jeremy was talking about how he was hoping to find a house that felt right. But I think it is more then that. I think that different aspects of the house add up to a certian feeling and for some reason older houses tend to feel more "warm and fuzzy" then newer houses. I am not sure if it is the quality of material that they were built with or what.
At the Glen I have drawn up alot of plans for different places to meditate. But without fail everything I've done changes a little in the final product. To make it fit more with the landscape and unfortunately sometimes more into the budget I have almost always changed placement or shape.
I really hope that as i move away from the Glen I will be able to experience the amazing peace that people find there more when I do not spend all my time there. Also i hope that I will be able to get more inspired because I do not see the Glen 24/7 I will be able to step back and really push creativity into all the aspects of my job and really create a even better place for people to come and meditate on the Lord.
At the Glen if a place does not help people focus on God i 'm not sure if it is worth creating.
How does all this relate to the original thing about castrophic failures. Even as I want change and new things my time in facilties at the Glen has enabled me to see that I need to maintain the landscape and not just create new stuff no matter how tempting it is.

Actually this is a car I got from my Uncle and Aunt. It was a real blessing because I have been able to put together a decent car for under 1500 dollars. I am moving off the Glen in the next couple weeks which is a really good thing. I have been aching to do it for a while. It is kind've grinding living under the watchful I of derek strickler and being possibly held responsible for other peoples errors all the time. below is a picture of the house we will hopefully get. It is a really cool house built in 1914. I went in the house the first time and it just felt right. Even when I saw it on the net I was like this is the perfect house.

So we'll just have to wait and see if we get it. It would be really exciting to live in an older area of town. The newer areas of town are kind've dead feeling with all the cookie cutter houses (at least the ones we can afford)
I have been sitting here pondering what I was going to write about in the first place. I started thinking about the house and kind've got off track.
I think that one of the big things about places I go and places I live is the feeling of the place. The right feeling maybe cool peaceful, i am not sure what exactly that feeling is. Jeremy was talking about how he was hoping to find a house that felt right. But I think it is more then that. I think that different aspects of the house add up to a certian feeling and for some reason older houses tend to feel more "warm and fuzzy" then newer houses. I am not sure if it is the quality of material that they were built with or what.
At the Glen I have drawn up alot of plans for different places to meditate. But without fail everything I've done changes a little in the final product. To make it fit more with the landscape and unfortunately sometimes more into the budget I have almost always changed placement or shape.
I really hope that as i move away from the Glen I will be able to experience the amazing peace that people find there more when I do not spend all my time there. Also i hope that I will be able to get more inspired because I do not see the Glen 24/7 I will be able to step back and really push creativity into all the aspects of my job and really create a even better place for people to come and meditate on the Lord.
At the Glen if a place does not help people focus on God i 'm not sure if it is worth creating.
How does all this relate to the original thing about castrophic failures. Even as I want change and new things my time in facilties at the Glen has enabled me to see that I need to maintain the landscape and not just create new stuff no matter how tempting it is.
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