Monday, October 30, 2006

Art... Creativity... Poetry... and biking

Where the heck does all the inspiration come from...

It seems like I am either totally dry or overflowing with creativity.

It kind've sucks. Maybe I have not found my muse. but I do not think that is it. I have begun to realize that I already have a muse maybe a couple. But the one big thing that inspires me is mountain biking.

Actually just biking period. I have been contemplating this as I sit at panera bread and look at other peoples blogs, but that is almost beside the point because I was able to bike here from our new house. It was so refreshing. I have not really made a point of biking anywhere since the first 6 months I lived in Colorado before I got motorized transportation.

I LOVE IT!!!!!

Why the heck did I stop doing it. In college I would be biking all the time. I did have more free time, but my life is so much more enjoyable when I am biking.

It really calms my soul to bike, I have sometimes pondered if the only time I am truly worshiping the Lord is when I am biking. A peace comes over me whenever I go. It does not matter if it is hard or easy or what. God has put biking in my life to let me connect with people I would not normally meet.

I love riding my Buell to but I am not passionate about it like I am biking. It is a tremendously enjoyable form of transportation but It does not fulfill the need to meditate that biking does.

Poetry is not in the title to actually signify any poetry in these words but more because one of my friends, katie inspired me to write this when I read a poem on her blog about the way a vw camper van brought her parents to almost a place of peace with each other.


katie said...

Thanks for the link-age!

I'm with you on biking. I find myself laughing out loud and smiling at random when I bike. And strangely enough...I often start singing Yellow Submarine or the Davey Crocket song...I have no idea why.

Carrie said...

Yo, Cactus! Did Katie tell you she named her bike Spike, after you?
Another blogger/biker friend wrote a great post at:
Such a glorious thing, being inspired--especially while on a bike.

JK said...

Please post another Blog. It's December friend....

JK said...

Please post another Blog. It's December friend....