I took most of the month of August off work to bike the Colorado Trail.
Only part of the Colorado Trail was biked. I rode most of the sections between Breckenridge and Denver with my little brother. We camped out a couple nights and I realized that inbetween both of us being in much worse shape then we thought and lots of little things going wrong that the week with my brother would be better spent staying at my aunt's house and biking with my brother up there. Luckily I was right and biked a lot and cooked alot. And got some really quality time together. After he left I headed back out on the Colorado Trail made through one section and realized two things.
1. I was not having a lot of fun cause of the bike I had.
2. I was in much worse shape then I thought and the Colorado Trail was much harder biking wise then I had expected.
The night I decided to bail out, I sat on a log for 2-3 hours and thought about my thought process and how overly optimistic I tend to be about accomplishing goals. In the end I realized that I would have to ride the whole trail some other trip. So I rode back to Breck and got a ride back to the Springs.
I arrived back in the springs and fixed up the Kaboom
I planned to head out to Durango a couple days after I got back to the Springs, but fate intervened and my motorcycle decided to need a little bit of TLC the day before I was going to leave. As I was waiting for parts I rode the Kaboom everytime I got the chance and realized once again that I do not want to live my life in an office. I want to interact with people in person, and I want to work with my hands, I want to create.
After my motorcycle was fixed I headed out to Crested Butte which is one of the coolest mountain towns I have been to yet. I rode all kinds of cool trails around the town and
On the way back home I rode one of my favourite trails in Colorado. It is called the Monarch Crest trail and if you ever get the chance you must ride it. It runs right above tree line for most of the trail and all the views are amazing. Plus it flows like nothing else.
Ever since I came back to the springs, I been restless, but that restlessness has led to more biking and also more drive to create instead of sitting around. Right now I am working on turning my porch into a small bedroom plus redoing the bike rack to be cool looking at fit in with the house better, and adding recycle bins into the bike rack (pictures soon to come). I can tell I am out of practice writing, it does not flow quite as easy as before.
It was such a treat to read your new post and hear the news of you getting all creative again!! Life just doesnt feel complete without making things, does it? I certainly miss it when I loaf around instead of making things with my hands.
I am super excited and intrigued to see the images of the recycle containers on your bike. It's encouraging having a fellow recycling nut for a friend. :-)
Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment on quilling. I was actually wondering if it would be miss read as Quilting. Thank u for answering my question.
For the life of me, for a week straight, even while quilling I kept calling it every other name (like twilling), but the right one. Since writing the post, I think I have it down.
take care,
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Hello. And Bye.
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