About a month ago a group of japanese college students came to the Glen to volunteer with us. Last year we had them digging a grave so I'm sure they were wondering what they were going to be doing this year. The really weird thing was that their leader, Bryan Gibbs and a couple of the guys new exactly what my motorcycle was. It seems like nobody in the US knows of buell or they think buells are a piece of crap. It turns out in japan buells are really popular if almost unaffordable (over 20000). I was kind've like should I let them ride my bike. One of the guys wanted to get a ride on it so I gave him a ride around the Glen, I guess riding on the back with another guy is not taboo in japan like it is here so I did not really care either way.
The whole experience was really cool for all the guys who came and volunteered with us. God used the Glen, Bryan and Sarah to reach these guys and move them closer to the Lord. Bryan said that on this trip, the students were more interested in the Lord then they had been anytime in the past year (i.e. a years worth of progress in three weeks).
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