In 05' it felt impossible, but I pulled out the gates on Friday and realized I would not be coming back on Monday. I had a surreal feeling come over me and gunned my jeep to 50 on the entrance road and was gone.
On to a totally new chapter in my life...
Using the man for 2ish years to finance grad school..
Oddly enough I am most excited about being able to easily ride my bike to work and building up the fixie
I think I am attracted to commuting to work on the fixie partly because of the beauty of it's simplicity, but also to counteract working for the "man". I realize that I am trying to justify working for these guys, but at least they are generous with their employees and the places they will be volunteering.
it's cool, we have al succumbed to the man at one time or another! remember the despot? i'm sure pappa t. rowe is better than them!
Uhm, posting here since I don't have your email.
I checked out Brian's bicycle shop down under the
bridge. Sweet! I want a pick up some serious frames
there and start fixin' up some single speeds and fixes
and what not, gotta' wait for the fundage I suppose.
Anway, thought you might be interested in this site to
pick up yourself a hub or wheels or whatever you need.
They've got some pretty good prices.
Peace, Ian
-Dude, you should check out my huge bruise on my leg.
Catch ya' later.
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