Sunday, April 22, 2007

Red Rocks open space, the govenment and trail building

Usually, I don't think that the government is really good at much of anything...

but in fact colorado springs government has made a couple great decisions. The first of which was their purchase of Red Rocks open space. Luckily, they did not ruin it. I was out at Red Rocks helping clear the corridor for a new trail and it was amazing how much fun it is to just work. Of course the volunteer opportunity came through the man, but still it is helping to build a trail. The greatest aspect of the day was the expertise of the girls heading up the trail building. I think that I learned more about good trail building on one day then I have in all the weeks I have helped out with trail building.

Go to Red Rocks open space the trails have great curves!!!

1 comment:

Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said...

outdoorsy chicks?!?!?!? ask 'em out!!!!