As many people know... I have been looking for land to set a yurt up on for the past month or so. In the midst of all this I found this great little fixer upper out near palmer lake, co which is a really cool little town. The house had great views but in all reality was a piece of crap. I would've basically been tearing the whole roof off the house and gutting the inside which would've been a major undertaking considering I wanted to do it all myself. Luckily I got some good advice from a friend before I made any major decisions on it.
So back I go to building a yurt. My ideas are always so much bigger than anything that is feasible but I really am looking forward to building the yurt. My next step is to make sure that I can get it approved by the building department. I think that will actually be the hardest part of the whole process. I am going to draw up plans for the yurt later this week and take them down to the building department for a review. I think the next part will be the structural engineering aspect of the house. I will see. I am going to draw up 2 plans. One using
Wood sides and a Metal insulated roof and the other will be the traditional Yurt Structure. I think that I have a good chance of getting the wood sided yurt approved once I have a structural engineer look at the drawings. It would be alot more expensive then a regular yurt but if it could pass code i think it would be worth it. I think that I may try to use Bill Coperthwaite
The yurt is really one of those things that I feel that I have to build for my own sanity. I love creating things and since my current job does not support being creative (at all) I think that building the yurt is one of the best ways to exercise at at least a little bit of the creativity that is bursting to get out.
It's kind've weird because I think that if I really examine my motives the desire to build the yurt overrides any financial gains that may be had by remodeling a house or anything like that. Guess I better order the plans for the yurt so I can get going on finding the land for it...
It's a beautiful design. Build it!!!
do it! how much is it gunna cost though? i mean, it's gotta be a pretty expensive undertaking, doesn't it?
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