Sunday, November 11, 2012


What is it about putting words on paper.

I had forgotten how therapeutic it is and how it lets me work out some of my thoughts that tumble around in my head and never reach a conclusion.  Over the past couple years there have been so many thoughts tumbling end over end in my head and never finding a place to stop.  I think that to an extent the thoughts would be worked out if they were written down and pondered over.

In the past year or two or three I watched TV or a movie or who knows what else instead stimulating my mind.  My reading has gone down hill... the things I ponder all the time do not seem as deep as they once did.

How do I get that deepness of thought back?  Is it through working out my thoughts in a medium such as this blog or a journal or both?  Is it through searching out books to read that stimulate all the dormant brain cells that I haven't used over the past couple years?  Maybe it is also about finding friends who want to have those conversations about life and love and how we should interact with the world as christians.

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